Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Where'd September go?

Its was a month yesterday since I spoke with my mother for the last time.

I had a down day yesterday so I went for a drive. We're having an unseasonably warm autumn her in Vermont, so it was in the 70's. I went up to the Long Trail for the first time in a year. The woods were still there and still worked their alchemy. Their silence and aliveness meld with the pain in my heart. Softening it into a much more bearable melancholy. I found myself planning for next summer.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad the woods are there for you.

They seemed to help me too. The day after my father's memorial services, my wife and I went for a hike. The park is in the middle of town, and we'd drive by a sign all the time that pointed the way to the Bog Gardens. It’s across the street from a larger more formal garden with gravel paths lined with flowerbeds. It’s very pretty. But it was the bog garden that called to us. It has a dirt path by a stream with ducks. And there were trees all around, nice tall trees. You couldn’t even tell we were in the city. We followed the stream up a hill. And felt the humidity change, at the top of the hill was a small waterfall. From there we followed the trail deeper into the woods. The trail stopped at a ridge above a lake, which I didn’t even know was there. My wife and I sat down on a fallen log and talked, I cried and we held each other for a while. From there we also watched turtles sunning themselves branches that floated on the surface of the water. Then we walked back down the hill to a wooden walkway that was over the bog. Along the trial there were different kinds of water flowers. But what I liked the most was that the walkway ended at the edge of the lake. Since it was spring, there were several families of ducks swimming with their babies. They were so cute and fuzzy. One even had a dozen little babies. I left the gardens that day feeling better than when we’d arrived earlier. What is it about nature that seems to give solace to the weary soul?

So, do you think we might be able to at least do a day hike when we’re there?

Bryan Alexander said...

Where did Ceredwyn go? Post! post! post! please!