Thursday, March 20, 2008

Really Slow Food

I'm sugaring this week. This involves tapping some 20 or so trees, collecting a gallon of sap, give or take, from each tree daily and boiling it down to 1/32 of its original volume. Out of 15 gallons of sap yesterday, I got a little less than a quart of syrup. Liquid gold!

Its peaceful. Just me and the dog watching water boil. For eight hours or so.

We got the meat from our goat last week--it needs to hang for 10 days like lamb does, so when you take it to the slaughter house, you don't actually get it back for at least two weeks. Add the time it takes to raise the kid to market weight and you actually end up with the better part of a year before you can have your chevon. But I just made the BEST dumplings out of the ground meat.

Almost all the chickens have started laying again. Lovely brown eggs with intense yellow yolks.

I love spring.


Amanda said...

Sounds absolutely yummy. I love chevron. It is readily available in Jamaica, but I don't care for how they butcher meat here. I can handle the bone shards, but the bits of hide still left on the meat is just a bit much for me. :) I do have fun watching the goats that wander up and down my street though.

pumpkiny said...

Sugaring season!!!!! Sugary-steam!! :-)Do you boil inside or outside?

Ceredwyn said...

Inside on so far. I'm building an outdoor rig this weekend so my house doesn't turn into a steam bath:-).

I had my own extra fancy syrup on my oatmeal this AM.

Anonymous said...

Oh! That's really cool! Very Vermont!
My Detroit family used to go up to Traverse City, where Aunt & Uncle tapped trees & made maple syrup; we thought it was so cool!

I'm sorry about your goats' kids.
My puppy got killed by a car & his brother mourns.

Dave Cushing