Monday, April 30, 2007

Updates on everything

Back in Vermont now. Got back last Monday, but I haven't been together enough to post anything.

My father's cancer is back. They're talking about enrolling him in various clinical trials, but after doing the research, I'm not hopeful. they're chemo drugs that have anything from a 6-15% response rate. If that were the grade one's kid got on a history test, one would be appalled. Given that I, myself, am participating in a phase 2 clinical trial, I would want a much better track record. The trial I'm participating in has a 70% response rate, so its at least a passing grade. If I'm going to spend this amount of time feeling like shit, I want some benefit from it.

If I were in my dad's shoes, I think I would be going straight to the palliative care and spend my time doing whatever made me feel better. Sometimes feeling better is enough.

My friend's father (the one who was just admitted to hospice) died. My friend has an uncomfortable relationship with her family and we've been each other's mutual support thru the parent-with-cancer thing. Lots of hugs to you, my friend. Sadly, lots of stupid family stuff has come out in the wake of his death with her family behaving badly toward her partner (and my sister-of-choice). More hugs in that direction.

I've been doing some heavy research into my own drug trials. It appears that what happened to me back in Feb was what is known as a cytokine storm. Fortunately for me, part of this protocol is an Agiotensin II Receptor Blocker (ARB) which moderates the positive feedback loop. It explains why the pneumonia crept up on me so damned fast. Curiously, the very fact that I have been so damned sick also helped, because the cytokine storm is potentially fatal in a vigorous immune system.

And finally I got my hair cut. I'll put a pic online once hubby brings home the camera. I went to a hair dressers with my hat and glasses and explained how they are a permanent fashion accessory. I told her I was tired of the aging hippy look, and I didn't want to go too short because I didn't want people speaking to me in hushed voices (well any more than they already are) asking "so is it cancer?". She did a really good job I must say. Its cute and fluffy under my hats and shakes out when I take them off.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"lots of stupid family stuff has come out in the wake of his death with her family behaving badly toward her partner" - sorry to hear about this. For about five minutes they were behaving properly.

The house is quiet without you & yours. I must admit Derek is relieved!