Monday, September 17, 2007

Lessons learned

I'm back in Vermont now. I'm surprised it took so little time to wind up my mother's affairs. As it was, all her bills were paid and the house and car titles were jointly in her and my brother's name. This means that there is no probate to deal with really. The house will remain as is till we feel up to dealing with it.

For any of you who want to save your loved ones heartache (and money), please make your final arrangement wishes known. I and my brothers were in no fit state to make decisions. Fortunately, my mom had let us know what she wanted. No flowers, no viewing, no visitation. A direct cremation and a Catholic mass. We had a nice lunch afterwards.

If we had not had these clear instructions, it would have been so much harder. I would have gone along with anything suggested and never mind the expense. I had a hard enough time just picking out clothes to wear to the funeral, let alone making what are really major purchases.

Thank you all for your kind words. I'm not going to be myself for a bit.

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